My name is Christopher Seymore. I am the founder of Life Changing Out Reach Programs and Services (L.C.O.R.P.S.) we are based out of Downtown Minneapolis MN. As we are reaching our second year of nonprofit service, we are launching our national initiative to provide Life Changing Out Reach Programs to the whole of the United States. Initiative is a process by which a referendum can be triggered by a petition of voters. Initiative may also refer to: In personal behavior, initiative is the ability and tendency to initiate: to start an action, including coming up with a proposal and giving or helping without first being requested to do so L-CORPS is a non-profit organization whose mission is to “empower” men and women to reach their full economic potential. L.C.O.R.P.S. also serves young people by way of: Giving Youth A Vision Programs and Services Mission Statement: Our mission is to assist in the development of you...
Chaplain C. L. Seymore Founding Director & National Community Advocate A Non-Profit Mechanized Game Theorist for: L.C.O.R.P.S.