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The Founder of LCORPS is keeping the promises made at the United Nations Church Center

My name is Christopher Seymore.
National  Anti~Poverty Job Creator

As a Nonprofit Organization Founder, I hold the CEO position of Socially Responsible Investor. I implement nonprofit corporate practices to promote environmental stewardship, human rights, diversity and I. T. job creation across the United States of America.
I have a strategic and focused approach to achieving nonprofit outcomes, as I have a strong commitment to helping people succeed in making a positive change in their lives.
 As Founder it's my Mission and job........
To assist men, women, boys & girls, culturally, academically, socially, and economically. Offering programs & services designed to help them develop maturity, responsibility, self-esteem, and control over their lives to set future goals and make the best possible decisions.
It is our goal to raise a minimum of $5,000,000 this year. January 1st 2017 – January 1st 2018

  1. Job Seeking Assistance Program services for 2000 adults per yr. (MN, MS, IL)
  2. On the Job Computer Training Program services for 2000 adults per yr. (MN, MS, IL)
  3. Provide Certification of Microsoft & Apple Operating Systems, MS Office, Adobe Suites, & Quick Books Pro. Services to 48 GED and High School Graduates and 48 adults. (MN, MS)
  4. LCORPS Office of Internship set to provide 50 internship opportunities of National Community Service at Doctorate level. (MN, MS, IL)
  5. Giving Youth a Vision Programs and Services for 300 youth per yr. ages 5-21 and their parents. (MN, MS, IL)
  6. LCORPS Online Services for 50 Million Users per yr.
  7. LCORPS Nonprofit Turn-key Box Kit & Nonprofit 2 Nonprofit Business Outreach services.    (Detroit MI, Milwaukee WI, Gary ID, 5 Borrows NY City, New Orleans LA, Marietta GA, Washington D.C. Compton Watts, California)

Below you will find the developmental list of programs and services of  our national initiative to provide Life Changing Out Reach Programs to the whole of the United States.
LCORPS consist of:
  • Job Seeking Assistance Program (J.S.A.P.)
  • On the Job Computing Program (O.J. C. P.)
  • Not for Profit Temporary Employment Services
  • Giving Youth A Vision (GYV)
  • Life Changing Athletic Programs & Services
  • African American Self Reparations Think Tank
  • African American Social Services Group
  • African American Land and Home Ownership Project
  • Above Ground & Under Ground Farming
  • Above Ground & Under Ground Recycling Centers
  • Wind Farming Programs and Services
  • Nationwide Fall Out Shelters
  • HAPCU: Historic African American Prep Schools Collage and Universities
  • World Preparations Elementary Schools
  • World Preparations Middle Schools
  • World Preparations High Schools
  • World Preparations Universities
By definition Initiative is a process by which a referendum can be triggered by a petition of voters.
Initiative may also refer to:
  • In personal behavior, initiative is the ability and tendency to initiate: to start an action, including coming up with a proposal and giving or helping without first being requested to do so.
"I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. To a nation that did not call on my name, I said, 'Here am I, here am I.' Isaiah 65:1

I am seeking fellow humans to help me keep a promise to aid United States Citizens who need help crossing the Educational Gaps, Unemployment Gaps, Income Gaps and the Digital Divide which prevents them from being contributing members of society and productive citizens of the United States of America.
1. I promised 10,000 people I would help them find meaningful employment.
2. I promised 10,000 people I would provide them with new occupational knowledge in Information Technology.
3. I promised 500 people who have no access to I.T. Certification to be I.T. Certified in MS and MAC Operating Systems.
4. I promised 250 people college internship opportunities.
5.I promised 1500 Children that I would provide new youth program opportunities.
6.I promised 64 people that I would create long term career positions of leadership for them within the LCORPS Organization.

Please help me help those in need of Life Changing Out Reach Programs & Services,


Christopher Seymore
LCORPS Founder


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