The 2017 Mother Sheppard Update !! A Message to U.S. LEADERS OF ALL TYPES *Update* From > 2015 L.C.O.R.P.S. Nonprofit Social Services Tour Destination Los Angeles California
This is Mother Sheppard I met her at Prayer Service in Los Angles CA @ The Bishops Church. In short she had great needs, I did my best to help her, even sold my car, and fixed on her house with my own hands. I told her I was well connected to the church, and thousands SOCIAL DO GOODERS back home who will help me help you. I was wrong. Less than 10 contributed. Including Me. Keep in mind, I met her in front of a MULTI-MILLION $ INCOME CHURCH FACILITY!!!! WE PRAYED TOGETHER THERE.. So DID I ASK THEM? YES , YES I DID! AND MANY OTHER'S WHO HOLD LEADERSHIP POSITIONS ALL OVER THE U.S.A.
Today's update is :The civilized earth is in much much worse shape and we all know it. I have witnessed and documented this all over the U.S.A. FROM 2006 through 2017. TODAY IT'S EVEN WORSE. I am speaking so vaguely because I have Posted all over the Internet from the U.N. Church in New York to the Delta of Mississippi, to the Mega Churches and Mosque of Minnesota GIVING STATS INFO, AND this message: " PLEASE HELP ME ! IT'S GETTING WORSE! LOOK READ! I CAN'T MAKE THIS UP! WE MUST GET TOGETHER AND PRODUCE SOCIAL GOOD! HERE IS A WAY....OF MANY WAYS TO DO IT... LET'S JUST DO IT TOGETHER...."
Look I "ain't" nobody ... really I "ain't" But I do know this we are so far divided as a people that the repercussions of it will be on Biblical Proportions: Of or pertaining to a natural disaster or other cataclysmic event so immense that it brings to mind biblical accounts of horrific catastrophes. The tsunami wrought destruction of biblical proportions. (figuratively) By extension, of or pertaining to a thing or occurrence having vast size, extent, or consequences.
It will be due to Unforeseeable Act of a Humans Nature ..... Something New The Problem is we all know it. Thats Why I AM CURSING ON THE INTERNET.
Leader's we think we are doing whats right but we not .
X Chris Lcorps Founder June 16th 2017
On 6/5/2015 I surveyed 100 Los Angeles CA residents at the Compton & Watts public Libraries here are my findings:
YOU SHOULD SUPPORT the people of Compton & Watts California need your help!
According to the Los Angeles 2020 Commission report
"“Los Angeles is barely treading water” and is “becoming a City in decline.” This is an understatement. The report reveals that 40 percent of families either make poverty wages or are unemployed. In the author’s own words, four out of every ten residents live “in what only can be called misery.”Jobs, when available, are often part-time, low-paying service work. The report points out that 28 percent of the population are working but receive such low wages they fall at or below the poverty line. Many Los Angeles residents “live at or near poverty levels and survive only by working multiple jobs and drawing on the support of families.”
The public education system in Los Angeles is in shambles. Fewer than two thirds of all K-12 students graduate from school. By the time students reach fourth grade, 75 percent of them are not proficient in reading. According to the National Assessment Test, less than half of high school graduates in the Los Angeles Unified School District are proficient in English. The report does not mention that the budgets of the K-12 school system have been slashed by billions of dollars over the past few years.Jobs, when available, are often part-time, low-paying service work. The report points out that 28 percent of the population are working but receive such low wages they fall at or below the poverty line. Many Los Angeles residents “live at or near poverty levels and survive only by working multiple jobs and drawing on the support of families.
For a family of four, the federal poverty line is set at $23,850. This is a grossly inadequate income. In Los Angeles, rents and living costs are especially high. An inexpensive two-bedroom apartment in a working class area can easily cost $15,000 to $20,000 a year. Therefore, the assertion that 40 percent of the area’s population live in misery, as extraordinary as it is, sharply underestimates the proportion of city residents struggling to make ends meet.
Los Angeles, the report notes, has suffered greatly in the past few years. The percentage of people living below the derisory official poverty line in Los Angeles County has climbed to 19.1 percent. According to the report, “the poverty rate in Los Angeles is higher than any other major American city, and the number is rising.”
Meanwhile, the official unemployment rate is above 10 percent. No doubt the real level of joblessness, which would take into account those who have given up looking for work and no longer file for unemployment insurance, is far higher.
Not only is the unemployment rate high, remarkably, the absolute number of jobs in the city has declined since 1990. The report states that “ten percent fewer people are employed in Los Angeles than two decades ago.” Also, it notes that Los Angeles is the only city, of the seven largest American cities, that has seen an absolute decline in jobs in the past 24 years."
Los Angeles, a city of poverty and unemployment : By Gabriel Black 15 April 2014
6/05/2015 My personal survey Findings:
L.C.O.R.P.S. Goals for: January 1st 2015 – January 1st 2017
It is my personal goal to open offices of L.C.O.R.P.S. & offer the following programs & services in the listed locations.
1.Job Seeking Assistance Program set to provide services to 2000 adults(MN, MS, IL, CA)
2.On the Job Computer Training Program set to provide services to 2000 adults (MN, MS, IL, CA)
3.World Preparations Charter Schools K-12th grade (MS,)
4.Professional Painting & Carpet Cleaning Trade Skill & Entrepreneurship Program (MN, MS, CA)
5.Providing Certification of Microsoft & Apple Operating Systems, MS Office, Adobe Suites, & Quick Books Pro. Set to provide services to 48 GED and High School Graduates and 48 adults. (MN, MS, CA)
6.LCORPS Office of Internship set to provide 50 internship opportunities of National Community Service at Doctorate level. (MN, MS, IL)
7.Giving Youth a Vision Programs and Services Set to provide Services to 300 youth ages 5-21 and their parents. (MN, MS, IL, CA)
8.LCORPS Online Set to provide Services to 50 Million Users
9.LCORPS Nonprofit Turn-key Box Kit & Nonprofit 2 Nonprofit Business Outreach services. (Detroit MI, Milwaukee WI, Gary ID, 5 Borrows NY City, New Orleans LA, Marietta GA, Washington D.C. Compton Watts, California)
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