Today in a last-ditch effort, (a desperate final attempt) to get African Americans to band together like never before for the sake of their children's future Christopher Seymore called an Emergency Meeting with all Minnesota DFL African American Caucus Members. It is no secret, I am Christopher Seymore. This is my personal Blog as a non-profit philanthropist. I am calling this meeting with all (P.O.C.) PEOPLE OF COLOR IN THE STATE THAT CAN ATTEND, BUT I NEED THE DFL & GOP P.O.C. CAUCUS MEMBERS TO SHOW UP AND SHOW OUT FOR THEIR PEOPLE! WHY ? BECAUSE MINNESOTA LEGISLATORS HAVE FAILED US! YEAR AFTER YEAR! Below is a screen shot of a google inquiry search. It is all the proof you need to see why we are in a State of Emergency in Minnesota as People of Color! 1.)OUR CHILDREN ...
Chaplain C. L. Seymore Founding Director & National Community Advocate A Non-Profit Mechanized Game Theorist for: L.C.O.R.P.S.