STEP-UP/ Achieve/ L.C.O.R.P.S
Life Changing Out Reach Programs & Services is proud to have been a part of the 2011 STEP UP Youth Employment program as an employer of summer interns. Many thanks to all that made this possible, and we greatly appreciative to the 3 interns who chose L.C.O.R.P.S. as their intern site.Our interns were: Marco Zamacona, Tammela James, and Stephon Cole. Thanks Lady and Gents!!!!!!
These three interns ran the Giving Youth A Vision:
"Young Gifted & Wise Environmental-Art Summer Camp Workshops " in partnership with ARTS-US.
Check out the slide show of the Young Gifted and Wise!!!!!
STEP-UP Achieve—part of the City of Minneapolis STEP-UP program — connects businesses with the next generation of talented and diverse workers, provides critical hands-on job skills for young people, and builds a stronger Twin Cities workforce for our knowledge-based global economy. The program recruits, trains, and places over 600 motivated young people each year in competitive paid summer jobs with corporate offices, law firms, hospitals, media outlets, and other local companies.
STEP-UP Achieve interns work 15–40 hours per week from mid-June to mid-August, and earn a minimum of $7.25 an hour. They perform a wide range of tasks, from clerical work to customer service, tech support, research, gardening, tutoring, events support, and much more, depending on the needs of their employer. All interns complete a comprehensive work readiness training program certified by the Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce prior to employment.
More than 130 local businesses employ STEP-UP Achieve interns each summer, providing tremendous opportunities for talented youth to do real work in a professional environment, gain valuable skills, explore their career interests, and make strong connections for the future.
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